Thursday, December 17, 2009

Extra Credit.

So I vaguely remember some of my high school teachers refusing to give us extra credit because "they don't give extra credit in college."

I got a 68% on my biology lab final. It dropped my overall grade to 104%.

Extra credit is alive and well in college, my friends. Alive and well.

Tip of the Day: If extra credit is ever offered, DO IT. It will probably help you a lot.

But since the semester is over and this is slightly irrelevant now, a better tip of the day would be to enjoy the month or so off!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


So the highlight of my semester was probably selling all my textbooks back yesterday.

I pretty much made bank, except I only got $93 for my brand new biology book that cost me $150. Oh well. I got $155. Not bad.

Now I have money so I can start Christmas shopping!

I am the definition of a "poor college kid." I should get a job.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Les jeux sont fait.

The games are done. That's a really good book we read in French last year, but that's not what I'm talking about.

I'm done with class. Done with finals. Done with my first semester of college.

Well technically, I still have a paper to turn in tomorrow, but I'm basically done with that too.

It's kind of amazing.

I may or may not have done terribly on my bio lab final, but I had a 112% before the test so I'm hoping that will offset any damage caused by lack of studying. Otherwise, I survived and I think I'll have a 4.0. Or at least a 3.9 something.

But as a former student teacher and college graduate said, all you really need is a 3.5 and that can easily be accomplished with an A- average.

So I'm gonna revise a paper today, and then chill for the next month =)

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I'm officially the lamest person ever because I am actually going to stay in on a Saturday night and write a paper. And that doesn't bother me.

It's not that I want to write a paper tonight, it just needs to get done today so I have time to revise it and make it not crappy by Wednesday, and so I can spend tomorrow studying for my finals on Monday and Tuesday.

I've been working on this stupid thing for literally like three days and it's just not happening. I've almost got 6 pages done, and it's supposed to be in the 15 page range. I was going to try to shoot for around 12, but I think I will take 10 at this point since there isn't really a minimum, just a maximum page limit of 15.

It's a damn good paper though, and I'm going to be pissed if it doesn't get an A.

Now I'm going to actually try to go be productive and hack away at this thing some more. Happy Studying!

Friday, December 11, 2009


So as of Wednesday, I said I took about 12 hours off from doing anything productive, and I was fine.

I'm not fine.

Finals always freak me out, and I just realized yesterday that I only have 3 days left until finals.

I'm kind of somewhere between freak-out mode and procrastinate-some-more mode. I freak out for a bit until I can't anymore and then I procrastinate. Probably not the best strategy.

And actually, I'm more worried about getting my 15 page paper done than studying for finals, but I have 5 pages done and I have until Wednesday.

Gotta love college.

Tip of the Day: Get enough sleep. I went to bed around 3 am. Woke up at 8:30, shut my alarm off, and went back to sleep. Woke up at 9:27.

I have class at 9:30.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How to Survive Dead Week

Today, the unthinkable happened.


That happens like never.

Dead Week is much more enjoyable if you don't have to go to school.

But since that isn't the case most often, I've been coming up with a survival strategy so I don't go crazy.

First off, get some good music. Preferably nothing produced in this decade, but whatever floats your boat. Personally, I don't think you can go wrong with the 80s-R.E.M., The Police, Journey, Hall&Oates, Elton John, Queen, Styx, Foreigner, stuff like that. The 90s are also fantastic, but none of that N*Sync crap. Goo Goo Dolls, Third Eye Blind, Counting Crows, Better Than Ezra, Ben Folds, more R.E.M, Barenaked Ladies. And then of course The Beatles. You can't go wrong with The Beatles.

Second, don't sit at a desk and try to do homework. It doesn't work. Find a comfy couch somewhere, bring your books and your iPod and be productive. Also if you have someone to study with, that helps.

And third, don't freak out. Yeah there's a crap ton of stuff to get done, but take a break to watch a movie with your friends or go play in the snow. Your not going to lose anything by taking an hour or so off. I took about 12 hours off yesterday, and I'm fine =)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Assumption: College doesn't have snow days.


Of course, they call off classes at noon. My only class today gets over at 11:50.

Sooo not complaining though =)

Plan for the day: Write a paper, play in the snow, drink hot chocolate, play Apples to Apples, and watch movies.

It's going to be a good day.

I'm so excited!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dead Week?

So the week before finals is officially known as dead week. (That's this week, by the way)

It's basically a week from hell.

I have a poli sci quiz tomorrow, bio lab practical Wednesday, and a 10 page "group paper" due Thursday, and a biology portfolio due sometime soon, probably Friday. Not to mention a 15 page final paper for my honors seminar, poli sci final, and a french final next week which I should probably study for. Ugh.

Thankfully, there are all sorts of movie nights/pancake feeds/cookie decorating/things to keep us all from going crazy.

Oh, and broomball playoffs start tonight!

Also, there are 24-7 quiet hours in the dorms which started last night at 7 and last until the end of finals (next Friday). Ok, NOBODY studies 24 hours a day, not even in the honors dorms. It's a bit ridiculous.

Anyways, so last night at 6, we celebrated "Pre-Dead Week Ruckus." Basically, we ran around yelling and turned up our music really loud before we were forced into two weeks of silence. It was quite enjoyable.

I have a feeling I'm going to want to run around yelling from frustration as finals get closer, but I guess last night was the only chance I'm gonna get for awhile...I guess I could go outside, but it's cold.

Tip of the Day: Get LED Christmas lights. They make your room look awesome and are eco-friendly too!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

It is snowing!

And I love snow.

It's just cold.

See I had all these great ideas to go downtown and Christmas shop, but I really don't want to leave the building. My roommate decided it would be a good idea to just stay here and eat pop tarts for dinner instead of walking to the dining hall, and I'm thinking that might be an ok idea.

See the dining hall in my building isn't open on weekends, so we have to walk outside to go to another one. And it really sucks when it's cold and windy.

Winter in Nebraska is cold and windy.

So for the rest of the winter, we just won't eat on weekends. Sounds like a plan.

Also, this way would help avoid the Freshman 15.

I am totally kidding by the way. I don't think I could make it 3 days without eating. We will just have to suck it up and freeze. It's better than starving.

Quote of the Day: "You know it's bad when you are excited about a high of 34 degrees" -My roommate Jessica =)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Poli Sci.

I'm a pretty liberal person. For the most part, I agree with Obama and what he's doing, and I'm a registered Democrat.

My high school had a lot of like-minded people, or least the like-minded people were more vocal than the un-like-minded people, so I always forget that most people in Nebraska are conservative. I mean, I know a lot of older people are, but it always surprises me when I find out people my age are.

But, I realized that I really am a part of the minority in my poli sci recitation. There's always a lot of good discussion and such, but god, that class makes me crazy.

Actually, I love that class. Just some of the people make me crazy.

People were actually arguing that global warming is not real, and that climate change is not a big deal.
Read a freaking science book people. How does it make sense that emitting thousands of tons of crap into the atmosphere would not have some degree of a negative effect on the Earth??

And yes, we might have had cooler than usual temperatures in the past few years, but you have to look at the big picture. Temperature cycles fluctuate from year to year, but if you look at the average yearly temperatures over the past few hundred thousand years, you will see that the Earth's average temperature has been steadily zig-zagging upward, and is much higher that it used to be.

And if the Earth is not warming, how do you explain the melting ice caps? The rising ocean levels? The reduced precipitation, especially snow? (Which, incidentally, results in reduced snowpack runoff, which is what fills most rivers and supplies A LOT of the Earth's water. Less snow in the mountains=water shortages. A problem? I think so.)

They were saying that instead of spending money on reducing carbon emissions and pollution, we should be focusing on the economy. These are the same people who said we should be spending more money on defense, but that we shouldn't be doing anything to help out war-stricken, starving, under-resourced countries in Africa and Asia. Developing corporations is apparently more important.

Oh, and also according to them, health care reform will make it so that the government decides who gets health care and it will just be terrible for everyone because it will reduce the quality of medical care. This is apparently because Europe is socialist and it has a terrible economy and terrible health care.

The health care reform is focusing on health insurance. It would offer government-sponsored insurance at affordable rates to people who can't currently afford health care. How is this terrible? It's making health care available to more people, not less. It's not going to reduce the quality of health care because our medical system will be exactly the same, just more widely available. The government is not becoming socialist or subsidizing hospitals or anything like that. Health INSURANCE reform. Not health "let's-overhaul-everything-and-make-everything-terrible" reform. Not quite the crisis situation.

And Europe? Germany is one of the leading exporters in the world and has one of the strongest economies. I can't think of a single country in Europe that is as far in debt as the U.S. and the Euro is one of the strongest currencies. Doesn't seem like a terrible economy to me.

And their healthcare? How often do you hear about European countries having problems with their healthcare? That's what I thought...

I really do not understand people sometimes.

That's my rant.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Ok so I haven't updated this in forever. Life's been crazy.

We have finals in two weeks, and since next week is dead week, EVERYTHING is due this week. Seriously. EVERYTHING.

I've been going nuts.

I also ordered my books for next's gonna be at least $400. Ugh.

On a brighter note, I found out that my last final is on Tuesday of finals week, so that means I'm on break from December 15 to January 11. I love college =)

Except I'm probably not going to have anything to do for like a month. I should really get a job.

Tip of the Day: Don't turn in first drafts of important papers. Yeah, I BS papers the night before they're due and it usually turns out ok. I found out that the first draft of my English paper would've been "on the line between a D and a C." Revision is a good idea.