Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I love college.

So once again, we're at dead week, and this semester, it actually is dead. I literally have nothing due except one 2 page paper on Friday. It's wonderful, because for once I can actually be completely unproductive and not feel bad about it. So far this week has been full of carnivals and soap carving and movies, with coloring, olympics, bike rides and who knows what else coming up in the near future. It's pretty much amazing.

Then I just have 4 finals to look forward to next week...(yeah that's right, I start summer next Friday)

After almost finishing an entire year, I've come to the conclusion that college is great. I mean, where else is it acceptable to Febreeze clothes instead of washing them? (I've actually only done this once, cuz yeah, it is a little weird). And Sunday night, there was just a random carnival in front of the union, complete with ferris wheel, inflatables, and cotton candy (and it was all completely free!) And I bet you all thought that nobody rollerblades anymore? False.

I think I'm going to miss this over the next couple months.

Monday, April 12, 2010

You know it's spring when...

It is absolutely impossible to do homework or anything productive when it's warm outside. Seriously. Why the heck would anyone want to stay cooped up in a dorm room when it's 70 degrees and sunny? There really is no good reason.

We've tried to beat the system by taking homework outside and attempting to do it, but that doesn't really work either. Once you're outside, there is literally zero motivation to do anything productive, and there are so many better things to do. Like sit there and do nothing. It's great.

The only downside to this is that teachers still assign homework in the spring, and especially with finals coming up in a couple weeks, there is a crap ton to get done. So this means that since nothing gets done during the day, everything has to get done sometime at night before class starts in the morning. This is procrastination at it's finest.

Welcome to the season of sand volleyball and late nights. It's absolutely amazing.