Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I feel old.

I'm going to my friend's wedding this weekend.

That just seems so weird for me. I'm trying to picture myself getting married now.

Can't do it.

It might be because all of my relationships so far have ended in near disaster, and maybe that the longest successful one was only about 6 months, but I don't think that's it.

I just don't feel old enough, I'm barely outta high school. I have a hard enough time seeing myself with a boyfriend right now, let alone a husband. Someday, of course, but not while I'm 18. I think every girl has those somewhat unrealistic romantic expectations you get from watching too many chick flicks and Disney movies about finding the perfect guy and the perfect dress and living happily ever after...just not anytime in the near future.

And like yeah, I feel all grown up and stuff, I'm in college! But I've realized that college is not really real life. It's this awkward in-between stage where you're on your own, but not really. I don't have to pay bills or clean anything or even make my own food. I don't think I could handle having to actually be responsible for something besides my homework and taking care of my fish, and I think getting married probably qualifies as having to be responsible for something.

But I just feel old saying that I'm going to a friend's wedding. I've been to cousins' weddings, aunt and uncles' weddings, distant relatives' that are much older than me wedding, but never someone that I've been hanging out with since third grade. It'll be interesting.

Tip of the Day: Don't grow up too fast.

Monday, November 23, 2009


It's Monday! Thanksgiving break starts tomorrow after class!

So this weekend was seriously the greatest weekend ever.

I went to this adventure race thing in Iowa. We ran 7 miles in Disney Princess footie pajamas that we got from the kid's section in Walmart. Highlight of my life.

We had to cut the feet off though.

Oh, and it took us like 3 hours to find a Walmart in West Des Moines. We got four different sets of directions from four different people and were driving through level 3 fog at 2 in the morning. It was quite adventurous.

Tip of the Day: Be spontaneous.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Grown up.

So I've felt like I've really grown up and matured as a person over the past few months. You know, you have all these new experiences and adjustments and everything, I don't think it's possible not to change at least a little bit.

I learned the same is not true for boys today when we were learning about the reproductive system in biology lab.

Boys do not grow up. They are hilarious, yes. Mature...not so much.

But I'm ok with that. It keeps things interesting.

Tip of the Day: Hang out with boys, just don't take them seriously or expect them to be responsible. I haven't decided if you should trust them or not. I'm leaning towards no.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Duct Tape.

Ok, so first off, I love college.

I just got duct-taped to a wall. I stuck for 7 minutes.
Pretty impressive.

My building has for different wings, so there was a competition to see who could raise the money for kids in Honduras. The wing that won that got the most duct tape to stick a guy and a girl to the wall. Whoever sticks the longest gets their wing a pizza party.

For some reason, they picked me to get stuck to the wall. I'm still not sure how I feel about this. It was pretty entertaining though.

We won the fund raiser! But we got second in the duct-taping. Actually, I was the third longest sticking person, and the guy from my wing was the second. Not too shabby. I'm ok with that.

My arms are soo sore now though!

7 days....

left til break!!!

That's all.

Monday, November 16, 2009


So I've noticed that college kids smoke. A lot. And I have no idea why, because everybody knows how terrible it is for you.

There's this one walkway right between two buildings that my friend calls the "Tunnel of Death" because there's so many people that go smoke there. Also, it's a freaking wind tunnel, so if you manage to not die of smoke inhalation, you're practically going to get blown away anyways. It's best to avoid that place.

Also, my dorm caught on fire like 20 minutes ago. Sortof. The alarms all went off, and our hallway was full of smoke, so we had to evacuate.

Apparently, there was just something wrong with the ventilation system, and the heaters in the bathrooms were smoking.

So we didn't burn down, we just can't use the bathrooms in my wing of the building for awhile.

Tip of the Day: If the fire alarm goes off, bring a coat.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Comment Box.

Ok, so I love Rice Krispies. Like a lot. And for reasons unknown, the dining hall in my building stopped having Rice Krispies about three weeks ago. I've been going through serious withdrawal, and I actually ate breakfast at another dining all the other just so I could have them. And it wasn't even Rice Krispies, it was Crispy Rice or whatever, but still good.

So yesterday, I decided to leave a comment in the suggestion box at my dining hall, asking them to please bring back Rice Krispies.

Today, my phone started ringing in class and whoever called me left me a voicemail. I was really confused because no one ever calls me, and if they do, nobody ever leaves voicemails, so I figured it was really important.

I checked the message after class, and it was Joel, the dining hall manager. He actually called me to thank me for the comment and to tell me that Rice Krispies would be back as soon as the Corn Puffs were gone. The world is returning back to normal!

Oh and there was a spot on the comment card for your name and phone number, so it's not creepy.

I love my life.

Tip of the Day: Leave comments in suggestion boxes. They actually work!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So I'm sitting in my room, wasting time on facebook, and this lady walks by, and she's like, "Can I take a picture of your room?"



I talked with her for awhile, she was really nice. Turns out, she went here in like the 80s, and lived in our room. Crazy! Oh, and she said Neihardt used to be the international students dorm. She was from Malaysia, and she and her husband were back visiting because he had never been here.

Then she asked if she could take a picture with me for her faceboook page, like I was famous or something lol

It was pretty sweet.

Tip of the Day: Keep your door open. You never know who might walk by.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Is it Friday yet?

You know how when something important is coming up, the days....just....drag....on...sooo....sloowwwlyyyy...

This has been the longest week ever, and it's only Monday. It's a bit depressing, actually. I don't know if I can make it two more weeks until Thanksgiving break...and then two more weeks until finals....and then Christmas break!

It will be amazing.

And I'm having a really hard time realizing that it's November already and that there really are only two weeks left until break, mainly because it's 60 degrees outside. What the heck, Nebraska???

Not that I'm complaining. It's beautiful out =)

Highlight of the Week: Huskers>Sooners. Enough said.

Friday, November 6, 2009

2nd Semester.

So I've decided that UNL has the worst system for registering for classes.

They do priority registration by the number of credit hours you have, so freshman are pretty much screwed from the start. Then, on they day you finally can register, they do it by the last number in your social security number, and they block you out of the website until the hour when you're allowed to register.

I was supposed to go at noon, and I tried to get on at 11:59 and it wouldn't let me. Ugh.

Needless to say, pretty much everything was full, although I did get all my classes I wanted except one. I am taking 18 credit hours and Honors English though, so something needs to change. I will probably drop something. 18 is kind of a lot, and Honors English will probably suck.

And the really crappy thing is that after this semester, I will have enough credit hours to have sophomore status, so you would think that would mean I could register as a sophomore.


Tip of the Day: Stay hydrated. People are gettin sick, drink lots of water kids.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


This has been a crappy week. Tons of homework, people being stupid, and just massive amounts of unnecessary crap to deal with.

But, I try to be an optimist so I'm not going to spend all my time venting and ranting about all my problems, because my life is not that terrible.

Like this morning, we took a quiz in my poli sci class. It wasn't really a hard quiz, it was only 5 questions and it was about the news articles we had talked about. We were going up to hand them in, and this kid in my recitation class comes up behind me and was like,

"Cara Cara Cara Cara! What did you get?"

"For which one?"

"All of them?"

So I had to check his quiz for him, and it was really funny because I had never actually had a conversation with this kid before. I had no idea he even knew my name, and I'm not 100% sure what his is. I wanna say it's Kevin, but I'm not real sure. It was entertaining.

The other highlight of my day was when we were sitting in our room with the door open, and some guy walks up and said hi. I figured my roomie knew him or something so I said hi back. Then he was like, "Ok so I don't know either of you, but can I borrow 45 cents?" Again, entertaining.

Tip of the Day: Don't focus on all the bad crappy stuff that's going on. It's not always easy, but try to stay positive, and you'll be fine =)