Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I feel old.

I'm going to my friend's wedding this weekend.

That just seems so weird for me. I'm trying to picture myself getting married now.

Can't do it.

It might be because all of my relationships so far have ended in near disaster, and maybe that the longest successful one was only about 6 months, but I don't think that's it.

I just don't feel old enough, I'm barely outta high school. I have a hard enough time seeing myself with a boyfriend right now, let alone a husband. Someday, of course, but not while I'm 18. I think every girl has those somewhat unrealistic romantic expectations you get from watching too many chick flicks and Disney movies about finding the perfect guy and the perfect dress and living happily ever after...just not anytime in the near future.

And like yeah, I feel all grown up and stuff, I'm in college! But I've realized that college is not really real life. It's this awkward in-between stage where you're on your own, but not really. I don't have to pay bills or clean anything or even make my own food. I don't think I could handle having to actually be responsible for something besides my homework and taking care of my fish, and I think getting married probably qualifies as having to be responsible for something.

But I just feel old saying that I'm going to a friend's wedding. I've been to cousins' weddings, aunt and uncles' weddings, distant relatives' that are much older than me wedding, but never someone that I've been hanging out with since third grade. It'll be interesting.

Tip of the Day: Don't grow up too fast.

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