I've realized I'm really bad about following through on things.
I am a completely unreliable person. It's true. I forget things and lack motivation. It's something I'm working on.
So here are some updates about things I've written about on here and not followed through on:
Remember when I posted my New Years resolutions on here so I would stay accountable and stick to them? Hahaha. I had to go back to my post to see what they were because I couldn't remember them. Fail.
Actually, I'm not doing too bad. Healthwise...well we have a crapton of chocolate, courtesy of my roommate's boyfriend (Thanks!) but other than that, I've been doing a pretty good job of eating healthy. I've rediscovered my love of pb&j and vegetables (not together). I seriously eat baby carrots like they're potato chips. Running is a different story. I think I've mentioned how my life is absolutely crazy this semester? I kind of forgot what it's like to have free time, meaning I don't have time to run. I have a feeling this whole half-marathon thing is not going to go well...
Spirituality...This one is going pretty ok also. I had to give up on yoga because I'm a poor college student and didn't want to pay $65 for it. But it's been going well otherwise.
Making up for not being in France...this is not happening. I wish I was in France.
The Housing Conundrum.
This is still a conundrum. I opted not to live with my guy friend and entered the lottery for the on-campus apartments with my roomie and a couple other girls. We got wait-listed. We're number 65. The plan is to move off-campus now so hopefully we get that all figured out soon.
It's really stressful not knowing where you're going to live next year.
I haven't drank coffee at all this week and I'm still functioning just fine. No caffeine problem! I have felt like crap the past couple days, but I'm going to chalk that up to lack of sleep and lots of stress. Coffee is being reinstated soon though, I miss it!
So yes, those are all the wonderful things that I've been doing (or not doing).
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