Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dead week?

First of all, happy early Easter everybody!

Second of all, Monday marks the beginning of dead week. Every college kid has to deal with dead week and I'm sure it's great for some people.

I am not one of those people.

I do not understand why it is called dead week. In theory, dead week is supposed to be dead. It's the week before finals week, so there isn't supposed to be any tests, homework, meetings, etc.

Notice I said "in theory." Here is my "dead week" schedule:

Monday: Honors Project, online test, job interview, meeting, another meeting, work on group research project
Tuesday: 20 minutes group research project presentation, work orientation
Wednesday: Another group project presentation, work

Thursday and Friday aren't too bad, but holy crap the beginning of the week. Especially Monday. This means I should really be working on stuff this's Easter and I'm heading home in about an hour or so, so I'm sure I won't get too much done. Home is kind of a zero-productivity zone for me.

Actually, at this point in the semester, everywhere is a zero-productivity zone for me. I have lost the will to continue...ok that's a little over-dramatic. I'm just ready for summer! Less than 2 weeks left!

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