Thursday, October 22, 2009


Surviving college is not all that hard, at least so far. You just gotta know some stuff.

Like don't sit by people with laptops in lecture classes. I spent almost the entire 50 minute class period watching the guy I sit by play solitaire and the kid in front of me play some game where you throw turtles.

I sit in the second row.

Also, I found out sometimes it helps to study someplace other than a dorm room. There's just something about that I can't focus on anything. Go to a study room if you want quiet or the dining hall if you need background noise. I can't do anything in complete silence. It drives me crazy. I always bring homework to breakfast, especially if I don't have anybody to go with. It's nice. My new favorite place though is the Coffee House. Bring your laptop, grab a mocha, be productive. I was there for like 3 hours the other day studying for my biology test.

And finally, you gotta learn to outsmart the weather. You know how in movies when it's really windy and the umbrellas turn inside out? That totally happened to me today. Also, it's probably not a bad idea to invest in a pair of rain boots. Chuck Taylors do not cut it.

Tip of the Day: Well, I already had like three, so we'll call that good.

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