Monday, January 17, 2011


I've realized that as I've gotten into some major-specific classes, my assignments get more and more...what's the word...interesting.

I started raising a child today. His name is Ben and he is three months old.

For my Human Development class we have to raise a virtual child, from birth to age 18. Ack.

It tells you your initial situation (I had pregnancy complications and my baby was born way early and had to be hospitalized for a week) and then it gives you a bunch of situations and you have to decide what to do. My child is probably going to be really screwed up because I have NO FREAKING CLUE what I'm doing.

To paraphrase one of the questions, "You want your child to develop curiosity and interest in things, how do you do this? Pick one of the following:
  • You deck out his crib with the latest baby gear, like red and white rattles, etc
  • You hold him, talk to him, and interact with him as much as possible
  • You give him lot of audio stimulation, like talking to him and listening to music"
Umm...they all sound pretty good to me. I picked B.

Another example: "Will you breastfeed your baby?
  • Yes, he will only be breastfed
  • Yes, but we will supplement with formula
  • No, we don't see the need to"

Remind me never to be a single parent.

Hopefully this kid survives. We'll see how it goes. I don't think I'm quite ready for this whole parenting thing.


  1. Ah Cara-take heart in the fact that pretty much all first time parents feel clueless-it comes with the territory. Sounds like you are getting into some great classes-we'll have to chat about them sometime! -Danielle
