Tuesday, May 31, 2011

3 Day Weekend!

Ok so usually in the summer I don't get too excited about weekends. Even with work during the week, it's still summer so you can basically do what you want. Plus I always work all weekend too. (On a side note, my work scheduled me for Friday night, Saturday morning, AND Saturday night. Ugh!)

Anyway, this whole summer class thing is completely altering my perceptions of summer (Read: summer classes suck). Weekends have become the highlight of my existence, even with working all the time. So I was especially thrilled for a three-day break over Memorial weekend.

Not so thrilling was the process of attempting to get some time off work so I could actually enjoy the weekend. I legitimately needed time off because I had a friend's wedding to go to and I road-tripped out to Sidney, Nebraska to meet all my boyfriend's relatives. Anyway, they gave me Friday and Sunday off, but scheduled me for a double shift on Saturday. I had to majorly suck up to get Saturday off and had to work Sunday instead. So we had to leave Sidney at 9 am Sunday morning to get back to Lincoln by 4 so I could work at 4:45...


I suppose that was better than the drive out there. We had to leave Lincoln at 7 am on Saturday.

But that all is besides the point. It was a wonderful three-day weekend involving a lot of wonderful people, a wedding, 12 hours in the car, a gigantic family reunion where I was known as "Colby's Girlfriend," grilling, and not very much sleep. We were going to attempt camping at some point in there but the weather was uncooperative, so we camped in my basement, sleeping bags and all =)

The name tag they made for me.
I literally was "Colby's Girlfriend."

And now it's back to the daily grind of class and work...oh well.

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