Friday, September 4, 2009

I just don't know...

There's about a thousand things I want to say, but I'm not going to, simply because this is not the place for it.

I will say that honestly, I didn't really anticipate college being all that different.  Well of course it's different, that's not what I meant, but I didn't think it would take much to get adjusted to it.  And really, it hasn't, but there's something about being put into a brand new situation like this that makes you feel...I don't know...almost vulnerable.

It's like being dropped into a (25 gallon) tank with thousands of other (non-dangerous) fish, that all live completely underwater, of course.  Everyone's swimming every which way, and you can't tell which way is up or what.

I'm not saying I don't like college, cuz I totally do.  I love it, absolutely love it.  It's just different.  People are different, life is different, and that's just gonna take some getting used to.  

It's also really hard for me not knowing what's gonna happen.  I don't plan my life out past the next weekend, and having no clue what's gonna happen in a year from now or 5 years or whenever, farther down the road honestly scares the shit out of me.  I need to find a way of dealing with that.  

Tip of the Day: #1- Sometimes, people need to be reassured that someone in fact does care about them, so tell them that.

#2- Always make sure you understand directions that are given in a foreign language.  ALWAYS.

Happy three day weekend!


  1. I never, in my life, have been able to know what was coming five years down the road. And that's ok, you get used to it.

  2. Since I always take advice from intelligent and talented people - I care about you Cara!!! The whole college transition is a rough one - good, bad, hard, intriguing, exciting, scary - so many emotions and experiences all wrapped into one. You will figure it out - don't be in too much of a hurry, because the ride is half the journey! Call if you ever need anything! Love ya, Danielle
