Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I got a betta fish.

I named him Calvin. (My friend got one named Hobbes...get it?)

So I am actually responsible for the well-being of a living thing. He mostly just chills in his bowl, but I have to feed him and stuff. It was a $27 investment.

Totally worth it.

I could literally sit here and watch him swim around for hours. It's kind of a problem, since it's way more interesting than most of my homework.

I've found out I'm really good at putting things off until the last minute. It's just that there's so many better things to do, like watching my fish and blogging and hanging out with friends, ya know?

That's really bad actually. Because now I have insane amounts of stuff to get done, and I don't even want to start. Ugh...

College is nuts because I have all these long term projects and gigantic assignments, but I have weeks to do them. Except instead of starting on them early and having time to do them like a responsible person would, I start them the night before.

I wouldn't suggest doing that.

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