Sunday, September 13, 2009

Everything you need to know...

So last night, one of my friends who's still in high school was texting me and asking me all this random stuff about college. And I figure this stuff would be good to know, ya know?

So here it is.

College is crazy. There is always something to do. Usually, there's something fun, but if there's nothing fun, there's always homework. And by something fun, it can be anything. A bunch of us chilled in a friend's dorm room just talking and stuff until like 2 the other night and it was great.

There's no such thing as too late at night. 10 PM on a Thursday? Heck yes, let's go watch Ferris Bueller outside on the projector screen. Chem homework due by midnight? No big deal, we'll hang out afterwards.

Live in the dorms. 99% of the people I hang out with are people from my dorm. You just don't really get to know people from class.

Keep your door open. Some guys who live on the floor above me just randomly walked in my room and stayed there for three hours. We hang out like all the time now.

Homework usually isn't required, but do it anyways. It's helpful, trust me, and it's good to get in the habit for classes that do grade homework.

Same with book reading. Nobody's gonna check to see if you read it, but it's entirely likely stuff from the reading will show up on a quiz/test/in-class write. You never know. And it makes the lectures make a lot more sense. So read the books.

Take notes in class. Most teachers have their powerpoint presentations up online, but a lot of times they say things that aren't in the notes. I print out the powerpoints, and then add notes during class for most of my classes. Other classes, I just write everything because it helps me to remember it better.

Overall, college is way different than high school, but it's like good different. I love it.

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