Friday, September 18, 2009


Relationships are tough, even in the best situations. College is crazy. So how do they work together?

Apparently, they don't.

It seems like you can do everything to try to make it work, but it's still impossible. Personally, I've lost faith in the idea that two people can work out there differences and be happy together.

Call me negative if you want, but I'm also a bit relieved and confused and happy and upset all at the same time, and as of yesterday, single.

Or maybe just in the idea that I can do it, cuz I honestly don't think I can. And deep down, I know it's possible, because I see people everyday who make it work.

I'm not sure how I feel about this yet.

But I'll be ok.

Tip of the Day: Don't forget to smile.

1 comment:

  1. So I'm pretty sure I need to come over there and hug you. I could give you lots of advice/proof about how relationship can work, but it will be of no use to you right now. Just know we love you and are here if you need anything! -Danielle
