Thursday, December 17, 2009

Extra Credit.

So I vaguely remember some of my high school teachers refusing to give us extra credit because "they don't give extra credit in college."

I got a 68% on my biology lab final. It dropped my overall grade to 104%.

Extra credit is alive and well in college, my friends. Alive and well.

Tip of the Day: If extra credit is ever offered, DO IT. It will probably help you a lot.

But since the semester is over and this is slightly irrelevant now, a better tip of the day would be to enjoy the month or so off!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


So the highlight of my semester was probably selling all my textbooks back yesterday.

I pretty much made bank, except I only got $93 for my brand new biology book that cost me $150. Oh well. I got $155. Not bad.

Now I have money so I can start Christmas shopping!

I am the definition of a "poor college kid." I should get a job.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Les jeux sont fait.

The games are done. That's a really good book we read in French last year, but that's not what I'm talking about.

I'm done with class. Done with finals. Done with my first semester of college.

Well technically, I still have a paper to turn in tomorrow, but I'm basically done with that too.

It's kind of amazing.

I may or may not have done terribly on my bio lab final, but I had a 112% before the test so I'm hoping that will offset any damage caused by lack of studying. Otherwise, I survived and I think I'll have a 4.0. Or at least a 3.9 something.

But as a former student teacher and college graduate said, all you really need is a 3.5 and that can easily be accomplished with an A- average.

So I'm gonna revise a paper today, and then chill for the next month =)

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I'm officially the lamest person ever because I am actually going to stay in on a Saturday night and write a paper. And that doesn't bother me.

It's not that I want to write a paper tonight, it just needs to get done today so I have time to revise it and make it not crappy by Wednesday, and so I can spend tomorrow studying for my finals on Monday and Tuesday.

I've been working on this stupid thing for literally like three days and it's just not happening. I've almost got 6 pages done, and it's supposed to be in the 15 page range. I was going to try to shoot for around 12, but I think I will take 10 at this point since there isn't really a minimum, just a maximum page limit of 15.

It's a damn good paper though, and I'm going to be pissed if it doesn't get an A.

Now I'm going to actually try to go be productive and hack away at this thing some more. Happy Studying!

Friday, December 11, 2009


So as of Wednesday, I said I took about 12 hours off from doing anything productive, and I was fine.

I'm not fine.

Finals always freak me out, and I just realized yesterday that I only have 3 days left until finals.

I'm kind of somewhere between freak-out mode and procrastinate-some-more mode. I freak out for a bit until I can't anymore and then I procrastinate. Probably not the best strategy.

And actually, I'm more worried about getting my 15 page paper done than studying for finals, but I have 5 pages done and I have until Wednesday.

Gotta love college.

Tip of the Day: Get enough sleep. I went to bed around 3 am. Woke up at 8:30, shut my alarm off, and went back to sleep. Woke up at 9:27.

I have class at 9:30.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How to Survive Dead Week

Today, the unthinkable happened.


That happens like never.

Dead Week is much more enjoyable if you don't have to go to school.

But since that isn't the case most often, I've been coming up with a survival strategy so I don't go crazy.

First off, get some good music. Preferably nothing produced in this decade, but whatever floats your boat. Personally, I don't think you can go wrong with the 80s-R.E.M., The Police, Journey, Hall&Oates, Elton John, Queen, Styx, Foreigner, stuff like that. The 90s are also fantastic, but none of that N*Sync crap. Goo Goo Dolls, Third Eye Blind, Counting Crows, Better Than Ezra, Ben Folds, more R.E.M, Barenaked Ladies. And then of course The Beatles. You can't go wrong with The Beatles.

Second, don't sit at a desk and try to do homework. It doesn't work. Find a comfy couch somewhere, bring your books and your iPod and be productive. Also if you have someone to study with, that helps.

And third, don't freak out. Yeah there's a crap ton of stuff to get done, but take a break to watch a movie with your friends or go play in the snow. Your not going to lose anything by taking an hour or so off. I took about 12 hours off yesterday, and I'm fine =)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Assumption: College doesn't have snow days.


Of course, they call off classes at noon. My only class today gets over at 11:50.

Sooo not complaining though =)

Plan for the day: Write a paper, play in the snow, drink hot chocolate, play Apples to Apples, and watch movies.

It's going to be a good day.

I'm so excited!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dead Week?

So the week before finals is officially known as dead week. (That's this week, by the way)

It's basically a week from hell.

I have a poli sci quiz tomorrow, bio lab practical Wednesday, and a 10 page "group paper" due Thursday, and a biology portfolio due sometime soon, probably Friday. Not to mention a 15 page final paper for my honors seminar, poli sci final, and a french final next week which I should probably study for. Ugh.

Thankfully, there are all sorts of movie nights/pancake feeds/cookie decorating/things to keep us all from going crazy.

Oh, and broomball playoffs start tonight!

Also, there are 24-7 quiet hours in the dorms which started last night at 7 and last until the end of finals (next Friday). Ok, NOBODY studies 24 hours a day, not even in the honors dorms. It's a bit ridiculous.

Anyways, so last night at 6, we celebrated "Pre-Dead Week Ruckus." Basically, we ran around yelling and turned up our music really loud before we were forced into two weeks of silence. It was quite enjoyable.

I have a feeling I'm going to want to run around yelling from frustration as finals get closer, but I guess last night was the only chance I'm gonna get for awhile...I guess I could go outside, but it's cold.

Tip of the Day: Get LED Christmas lights. They make your room look awesome and are eco-friendly too!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

It is snowing!

And I love snow.

It's just cold.

See I had all these great ideas to go downtown and Christmas shop, but I really don't want to leave the building. My roommate decided it would be a good idea to just stay here and eat pop tarts for dinner instead of walking to the dining hall, and I'm thinking that might be an ok idea.

See the dining hall in my building isn't open on weekends, so we have to walk outside to go to another one. And it really sucks when it's cold and windy.

Winter in Nebraska is cold and windy.

So for the rest of the winter, we just won't eat on weekends. Sounds like a plan.

Also, this way would help avoid the Freshman 15.

I am totally kidding by the way. I don't think I could make it 3 days without eating. We will just have to suck it up and freeze. It's better than starving.

Quote of the Day: "You know it's bad when you are excited about a high of 34 degrees" -My roommate Jessica =)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Poli Sci.

I'm a pretty liberal person. For the most part, I agree with Obama and what he's doing, and I'm a registered Democrat.

My high school had a lot of like-minded people, or least the like-minded people were more vocal than the un-like-minded people, so I always forget that most people in Nebraska are conservative. I mean, I know a lot of older people are, but it always surprises me when I find out people my age are.

But, I realized that I really am a part of the minority in my poli sci recitation. There's always a lot of good discussion and such, but god, that class makes me crazy.

Actually, I love that class. Just some of the people make me crazy.

People were actually arguing that global warming is not real, and that climate change is not a big deal.
Read a freaking science book people. How does it make sense that emitting thousands of tons of crap into the atmosphere would not have some degree of a negative effect on the Earth??

And yes, we might have had cooler than usual temperatures in the past few years, but you have to look at the big picture. Temperature cycles fluctuate from year to year, but if you look at the average yearly temperatures over the past few hundred thousand years, you will see that the Earth's average temperature has been steadily zig-zagging upward, and is much higher that it used to be.

And if the Earth is not warming, how do you explain the melting ice caps? The rising ocean levels? The reduced precipitation, especially snow? (Which, incidentally, results in reduced snowpack runoff, which is what fills most rivers and supplies A LOT of the Earth's water. Less snow in the mountains=water shortages. A problem? I think so.)

They were saying that instead of spending money on reducing carbon emissions and pollution, we should be focusing on the economy. These are the same people who said we should be spending more money on defense, but that we shouldn't be doing anything to help out war-stricken, starving, under-resourced countries in Africa and Asia. Developing corporations is apparently more important.

Oh, and also according to them, health care reform will make it so that the government decides who gets health care and it will just be terrible for everyone because it will reduce the quality of medical care. This is apparently because Europe is socialist and it has a terrible economy and terrible health care.

The health care reform is focusing on health insurance. It would offer government-sponsored insurance at affordable rates to people who can't currently afford health care. How is this terrible? It's making health care available to more people, not less. It's not going to reduce the quality of health care because our medical system will be exactly the same, just more widely available. The government is not becoming socialist or subsidizing hospitals or anything like that. Health INSURANCE reform. Not health "let's-overhaul-everything-and-make-everything-terrible" reform. Not quite the crisis situation.

And Europe? Germany is one of the leading exporters in the world and has one of the strongest economies. I can't think of a single country in Europe that is as far in debt as the U.S. and the Euro is one of the strongest currencies. Doesn't seem like a terrible economy to me.

And their healthcare? How often do you hear about European countries having problems with their healthcare? That's what I thought...

I really do not understand people sometimes.

That's my rant.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Ok so I haven't updated this in forever. Life's been crazy.

We have finals in two weeks, and since next week is dead week, EVERYTHING is due this week. Seriously. EVERYTHING.

I've been going nuts.

I also ordered my books for next's gonna be at least $400. Ugh.

On a brighter note, I found out that my last final is on Tuesday of finals week, so that means I'm on break from December 15 to January 11. I love college =)

Except I'm probably not going to have anything to do for like a month. I should really get a job.

Tip of the Day: Don't turn in first drafts of important papers. Yeah, I BS papers the night before they're due and it usually turns out ok. I found out that the first draft of my English paper would've been "on the line between a D and a C." Revision is a good idea.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I feel old.

I'm going to my friend's wedding this weekend.

That just seems so weird for me. I'm trying to picture myself getting married now.

Can't do it.

It might be because all of my relationships so far have ended in near disaster, and maybe that the longest successful one was only about 6 months, but I don't think that's it.

I just don't feel old enough, I'm barely outta high school. I have a hard enough time seeing myself with a boyfriend right now, let alone a husband. Someday, of course, but not while I'm 18. I think every girl has those somewhat unrealistic romantic expectations you get from watching too many chick flicks and Disney movies about finding the perfect guy and the perfect dress and living happily ever after...just not anytime in the near future.

And like yeah, I feel all grown up and stuff, I'm in college! But I've realized that college is not really real life. It's this awkward in-between stage where you're on your own, but not really. I don't have to pay bills or clean anything or even make my own food. I don't think I could handle having to actually be responsible for something besides my homework and taking care of my fish, and I think getting married probably qualifies as having to be responsible for something.

But I just feel old saying that I'm going to a friend's wedding. I've been to cousins' weddings, aunt and uncles' weddings, distant relatives' that are much older than me wedding, but never someone that I've been hanging out with since third grade. It'll be interesting.

Tip of the Day: Don't grow up too fast.

Monday, November 23, 2009


It's Monday! Thanksgiving break starts tomorrow after class!

So this weekend was seriously the greatest weekend ever.

I went to this adventure race thing in Iowa. We ran 7 miles in Disney Princess footie pajamas that we got from the kid's section in Walmart. Highlight of my life.

We had to cut the feet off though.

Oh, and it took us like 3 hours to find a Walmart in West Des Moines. We got four different sets of directions from four different people and were driving through level 3 fog at 2 in the morning. It was quite adventurous.

Tip of the Day: Be spontaneous.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Grown up.

So I've felt like I've really grown up and matured as a person over the past few months. You know, you have all these new experiences and adjustments and everything, I don't think it's possible not to change at least a little bit.

I learned the same is not true for boys today when we were learning about the reproductive system in biology lab.

Boys do not grow up. They are hilarious, yes. Mature...not so much.

But I'm ok with that. It keeps things interesting.

Tip of the Day: Hang out with boys, just don't take them seriously or expect them to be responsible. I haven't decided if you should trust them or not. I'm leaning towards no.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Duct Tape.

Ok, so first off, I love college.

I just got duct-taped to a wall. I stuck for 7 minutes.
Pretty impressive.

My building has for different wings, so there was a competition to see who could raise the money for kids in Honduras. The wing that won that got the most duct tape to stick a guy and a girl to the wall. Whoever sticks the longest gets their wing a pizza party.

For some reason, they picked me to get stuck to the wall. I'm still not sure how I feel about this. It was pretty entertaining though.

We won the fund raiser! But we got second in the duct-taping. Actually, I was the third longest sticking person, and the guy from my wing was the second. Not too shabby. I'm ok with that.

My arms are soo sore now though!

7 days....

left til break!!!

That's all.

Monday, November 16, 2009


So I've noticed that college kids smoke. A lot. And I have no idea why, because everybody knows how terrible it is for you.

There's this one walkway right between two buildings that my friend calls the "Tunnel of Death" because there's so many people that go smoke there. Also, it's a freaking wind tunnel, so if you manage to not die of smoke inhalation, you're practically going to get blown away anyways. It's best to avoid that place.

Also, my dorm caught on fire like 20 minutes ago. Sortof. The alarms all went off, and our hallway was full of smoke, so we had to evacuate.

Apparently, there was just something wrong with the ventilation system, and the heaters in the bathrooms were smoking.

So we didn't burn down, we just can't use the bathrooms in my wing of the building for awhile.

Tip of the Day: If the fire alarm goes off, bring a coat.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Comment Box.

Ok, so I love Rice Krispies. Like a lot. And for reasons unknown, the dining hall in my building stopped having Rice Krispies about three weeks ago. I've been going through serious withdrawal, and I actually ate breakfast at another dining all the other just so I could have them. And it wasn't even Rice Krispies, it was Crispy Rice or whatever, but still good.

So yesterday, I decided to leave a comment in the suggestion box at my dining hall, asking them to please bring back Rice Krispies.

Today, my phone started ringing in class and whoever called me left me a voicemail. I was really confused because no one ever calls me, and if they do, nobody ever leaves voicemails, so I figured it was really important.

I checked the message after class, and it was Joel, the dining hall manager. He actually called me to thank me for the comment and to tell me that Rice Krispies would be back as soon as the Corn Puffs were gone. The world is returning back to normal!

Oh and there was a spot on the comment card for your name and phone number, so it's not creepy.

I love my life.

Tip of the Day: Leave comments in suggestion boxes. They actually work!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So I'm sitting in my room, wasting time on facebook, and this lady walks by, and she's like, "Can I take a picture of your room?"



I talked with her for awhile, she was really nice. Turns out, she went here in like the 80s, and lived in our room. Crazy! Oh, and she said Neihardt used to be the international students dorm. She was from Malaysia, and she and her husband were back visiting because he had never been here.

Then she asked if she could take a picture with me for her faceboook page, like I was famous or something lol

It was pretty sweet.

Tip of the Day: Keep your door open. You never know who might walk by.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Is it Friday yet?

You know how when something important is coming up, the days....just....drag....on...sooo....sloowwwlyyyy...

This has been the longest week ever, and it's only Monday. It's a bit depressing, actually. I don't know if I can make it two more weeks until Thanksgiving break...and then two more weeks until finals....and then Christmas break!

It will be amazing.

And I'm having a really hard time realizing that it's November already and that there really are only two weeks left until break, mainly because it's 60 degrees outside. What the heck, Nebraska???

Not that I'm complaining. It's beautiful out =)

Highlight of the Week: Huskers>Sooners. Enough said.

Friday, November 6, 2009

2nd Semester.

So I've decided that UNL has the worst system for registering for classes.

They do priority registration by the number of credit hours you have, so freshman are pretty much screwed from the start. Then, on they day you finally can register, they do it by the last number in your social security number, and they block you out of the website until the hour when you're allowed to register.

I was supposed to go at noon, and I tried to get on at 11:59 and it wouldn't let me. Ugh.

Needless to say, pretty much everything was full, although I did get all my classes I wanted except one. I am taking 18 credit hours and Honors English though, so something needs to change. I will probably drop something. 18 is kind of a lot, and Honors English will probably suck.

And the really crappy thing is that after this semester, I will have enough credit hours to have sophomore status, so you would think that would mean I could register as a sophomore.


Tip of the Day: Stay hydrated. People are gettin sick, drink lots of water kids.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


This has been a crappy week. Tons of homework, people being stupid, and just massive amounts of unnecessary crap to deal with.

But, I try to be an optimist so I'm not going to spend all my time venting and ranting about all my problems, because my life is not that terrible.

Like this morning, we took a quiz in my poli sci class. It wasn't really a hard quiz, it was only 5 questions and it was about the news articles we had talked about. We were going up to hand them in, and this kid in my recitation class comes up behind me and was like,

"Cara Cara Cara Cara! What did you get?"

"For which one?"

"All of them?"

So I had to check his quiz for him, and it was really funny because I had never actually had a conversation with this kid before. I had no idea he even knew my name, and I'm not 100% sure what his is. I wanna say it's Kevin, but I'm not real sure. It was entertaining.

The other highlight of my day was when we were sitting in our room with the door open, and some guy walks up and said hi. I figured my roomie knew him or something so I said hi back. Then he was like, "Ok so I don't know either of you, but can I borrow 45 cents?" Again, entertaining.

Tip of the Day: Don't focus on all the bad crappy stuff that's going on. It's not always easy, but try to stay positive, and you'll be fine =)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

One of the more important things I've learned recently is that everybody makes bad decisions from time to time. And that's ok. College is about experiencing life and figuring things out. You make mistakes, learn from them, and then have a good story to tell when all is said and done.

I'm not condoning wild risky behavior or suggesting irresponsibility or anything like that. I'm just saying, stuff happens, and you just gotta roll with it. Move on, it'll all be ok.

On a semi-unrelated note, today is Halloween! I'm so sick of candy already, and I don't even get to go trick-or-treating anymore. Sad day. Oh well. I'm going to my first frat party tonight though, so that will be...interesting? (By the way, I'm really not a party girl.)

I talked to my mom on the phone this morning and she told me to be safe and responsible. Thanks mom, I'll try =)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


A few weeks ago, somebody asked me why I believed in God, and I honestly couldn't give them an answer. No one had ever asked me that before. I had never had to explain it to anyone, it's just what I believe, what I grew up believing.

I told this person that, and I got the response that it was because there wasn't a reason. It was just because I had grown up blindly believing in something with no basis for it. (This person, by the way, is a self-proclaimed atheist and thinks it's completely stupid to believe in anything without proof.)

After thinking about it for awhile, I realized how true and false that response is.

It's true because there isn't always a reason, but there doesn't have to be. That's faith. You shouldn't need proof or facts to back up what you believe in.

It's also completely and utterly false, because I have every basis to believe in God. Not because I can't think for myself or make my own decisions or just do what my parents do. It's because that's what I do believe and I have no reason not to.

I've come to learn that people let you down. They're not always gonna be there for you or do what they say they're going to do. That's not the case with faith. It will always be there, no matter what. You can't always believe in people, but you can believe in God.

For those people who are always trying to explain everything and the only reason against faith is that there is no proof, well look around. Look at everything and see how amazing and complex life is. Sure, there is insurmountable evidence supporting evolution, but life today happened basically because prehistoric life forms gradually got more complex and sprouted legs and moved to land. Yes, it's because of evolution, that's pretty much exactly how it happened, but why? What caused that? No one can explain it, and that's part of the beauty of faith. Yes, it happened, we don't know why, but it did. Something caused that to happen, and it might as well be because of God.

And for all the people who doubt because of all the bad things in the world, look at all the good things. Look at the good people in the world, the people who are working to make a difference in the lives of others. That's God at work.

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Indeed by faith, our ancestors received approval. By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God so that what is seen was made from things that are not visible."
-Hebrews 11:1-3 NRSV

So think for yourself, make your own decisions, but don't think everything needs some concrete evidence or proof to make it real. Accept other's viewpoints and keep an open mind, and never underestimate faith.

Monday, October 26, 2009


This is officially the greatest sport ever.

It's pretty much like hockey. You play on the ice and try to score goals, except you use these sticks with rubber ends (not actual brooms) and use a ball instead of a puck and there's only five on a side.

Oh, and you just wear normal shoes. No skates.

And you play at like midnight, because we have to go after the real hockey team is done with practice. Our game was at 1:20 last night/this morning. Getting up for 8:30 class today was oh so awesome. Totally worth it though, it's super fun.

It's pretty intense too, I have some sweet battle scars and bruises, but I didn't fall this time! I did accidently shove a kid into the wall like three times. And I got to play the whole game since there were only two girls, and for coed you have to have 2 girls and 3 guys playing at a time (or 2 guys and 3 girls). Girls' points are worth 2.

We won 2-0. Heck yes.

Tip of the Day: broomball?

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Surviving college is not all that hard, at least so far. You just gotta know some stuff.

Like don't sit by people with laptops in lecture classes. I spent almost the entire 50 minute class period watching the guy I sit by play solitaire and the kid in front of me play some game where you throw turtles.

I sit in the second row.

Also, I found out sometimes it helps to study someplace other than a dorm room. There's just something about that I can't focus on anything. Go to a study room if you want quiet or the dining hall if you need background noise. I can't do anything in complete silence. It drives me crazy. I always bring homework to breakfast, especially if I don't have anybody to go with. It's nice. My new favorite place though is the Coffee House. Bring your laptop, grab a mocha, be productive. I was there for like 3 hours the other day studying for my biology test.

And finally, you gotta learn to outsmart the weather. You know how in movies when it's really windy and the umbrellas turn inside out? That totally happened to me today. Also, it's probably not a bad idea to invest in a pair of rain boots. Chuck Taylors do not cut it.

Tip of the Day: Well, I already had like three, so we'll call that good.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Back to school...sort of.

Today was our first day back after fall break. It was kind of disappointing. It even rained all day, which I think that means we shouldn't have come back to school.

Fall break was amazing. It was kind of crazy since practically everyone went home, so it was pretty empty here. I think there were like 3 girls on my floor that stayed. I wasn't here very much though, so it wasn't bad.

I also had a bio test today, and I answered 20 of the 50 questions with "e, all of these." So hopefully our teacher just really likes having questions with that as an answer, cuz that kind of made me nervous.

Oh, and apparently our dorm is haunted, so they're doing ghost tours tonight. Can't wait!

Tip of the Day: Don't listen to the weather report. Open the window instead. I checked online this morning and it said it was 61 degrees out. It definitely wasn't.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I have a 4 page English paper due tomorrow morning. I have one paragraph done. It's 10:11 pm, central time.

It's going to be a long night.

It's not that I try to put stuff off. I really don't. It's just really hard for me to sit and focus on something, especially if there's no pressure to get it done. And let's face it, homework is rarely fun or interesting. So I put it off as long as I can.

Either that or I start and then get too overwhelmed with too much stuff to do and just quit.

I got overwhelmed and quit and went on a run about 2 hours ago. It was a nice break and wonderful stress relief. But now I'm supposed to be writing a paper and I can't even think straight enough to crank anything out. So I'm blogging and facebooking the night away! It's much more enjoyable.

I'm going to fail at college.

Actually, that's an overstatement. I'm actually a really good student, I just have really bad study habits. I did this in high school too. I could never bring myself to start big, important assignments in advance, and usually started them late the night before they were due. I almost think I work better at 1 am. Or it could be I'm just so out of it by then I don't really realize what I'm doing....


Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I just wrote UNL a check for $484.86.

Yay education.

It was weird because I never write checks, and I definitely never write them that big. It's kind of depressing to think of your bank account getting $500 smaller in about 30 seconds.

It's even more depressing that the first big chunk of my hard-earned money from working a crap ton over the past 2 1/2 years went to pay for books and a parking permit. And that was after scholarships and loans and what not kicked in.

I keep saying I need to get a real job, but I kind of really don't want to. Maybe after football season...

Tip of the Day: Play intramural sports. Good times, good times.

Monday, October 12, 2009

It's cold!

Now that it's fall, Nebraska has decided to be freezing. Lame.

I love winter, don't get me wrong. Just not in October. And not without snow.

And it really sucks since being in college means you have to walk across campus for every class.

Time to break out the scarves and hats and Ugg boots! I'm so glad I'm a girl.

Tip of the Day: Dress warmly. And wear layers, cuz it's always hot inside of buildings, and freaking freezing outside.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Football, friends, and psychology.

I officially love living in the honors dorms.

Last night we were all hangin out, watching the Huskers epically fail at attempting to play football for the first three quarters of the game. I guess the guys got bored and somehow started talking about somebody's psychology homework and were arguing something about olfactory senses and stereotyping white people.

Meanwhile, the two girls in the room were screaming at the tv like that would magically make us win the game.

It was hilarious.

The Huskers totally dominated the fourth quarter, by the way, and I'm sorry for ever doubting them.

Tip of the Day: Watch football.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


So this is the first time I've actually had legit amounts of stuff to do.

I've literally been spending like 5 hours a day on homework since Saturday. It sucks.

I had a 5 page paper (3 hours), a powerpoint/research project (5+ hours), a French presentation (1 hour), an online quiz (half an hour), and a biology lab write up (1 hour so far and I have half a page was a 12 page lab and we also have to graphs and's due tomorrow...fml).

And it sucks because I didn't even leave all this stuff for the last minute. I've been working on all of it for days.... ugh.

Sleep is overrated anyway.

Tip of the Day: Don't take BIOS 101. The class is great. The lab is horrible.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I need to update this more often...

I just don't have much time or interesting things to write about.

I went with some friends to learn how to waltz at ballroom dancing lessons. Epic fail. I am the most uncoordinated person. Ever.

I did go to the world's largest corn maze last night though. That definitely counts as interesting. Six of us from my floor went with like all the guys on the floor above us.

The maze we went through was supposed to take like two hours. We made it through in 37 minutes. Apparently we found a short cut. Ooops?

I'm ok with it though. It was f*ing cold outside. I literally could not feel my feet. And then I could feel them and they hurt. And corn mazes are kinda creepy in the dark, especially when the losers in your group run ahead of you then hide in the corn and scare you.

Not cool.

It was super fun though. We got hot chocolate and a hayrack ride and a fire afterwards. And we didn't get lost!

Our next great adventure? Roca Berry Farm for pumpkins and haunted forests!

Tip of the Day: Go on an adventure!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gettin outta here...

So I've officially decided that I need to get out of Lincoln, Nebraska.

There's nothing wrong with it, except I've lived here for eight years and I'm going to school here and I need to be somewhere else. I'm just tired of it.

I'm not gonna go transfer schools or anything, I love UNL and all the people here, I'm just kind of stuck in a rut. (Ah cliche. We learned not to use cliches today in English class, but I think it works).

So I'm going to France this summer.


I think I can swing it so I can go and take classes and live in France for like a month and get an automatic minor, so it's educational, right?

That just means I need to get a job And I really don't want to.


If France doesn't work out, I'm going to go do biology for a few weeks this summer up at Cedar Point in Western Nebraska. Not quite as cool as Arles, France, but still, somethin' different.

Tip of the Day: Do something different every day. Shake things up a bit.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Husker football is kind of a big deal here.

Understatement of the century.

Tonight, at 6 PM marks the 300th consecutive sellout at Nebraska football games. This streak goes all the way back to 1962, meaning there hasn't been an unsold ticket in 47 years.

It's also homecoming week. Crazy!

And it is crazy.

Like last night, we spent a good thirty minutes watching a lot of people in convertibles and a lot of people dressed up like Mario Kart characters. (It was the homecoming parade, and each dorm got to make a float. Three of the four of them did Mario Kart. Our theme was "Game On," by the way.) Sadly, it rained on our parade (Ha Ha). Not like torrential downpour rain, but it was legit rain. Not just a light drizzle or some sprinkles. But we stuck it out. We are dedicated. We also had umbrellas.

There was also a blood drive. I have never given blood before and I am unnaturally afraid of needles, but I wanted to be a good person and not be a pansy. So I did. I came out with a collapsed vein, massive bruises on each of my arms (the first one didn't work-collapsed vein-so they had to do the other arm) and I passed out afterwards and was really light headed and sick for about a day. But I got a free t-shirt, and dammit I feel like a good person.

It was a good experience.

Tip of the Day: If you ride your bike one-handed, don't try to break really hard and try to swerve at the same time (while still riding one-handed). I pretty much flipped off my bike. I do have some awesome bruises and battle scars, though. But still, not a lot of fun.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Oh gravity!

I had my first near-mental-breakdown of the school year last night.

I had to make two graphs for my biology lab. Easy. I had to do them on my computer. Should be even easier.


I've decided the Mac version of Excel is so not user-friendly. I got my graphs made, but I swear, there is no way to label the axes. It took three of us about 45 minutes trying everything before giving up. We're all honors kids on full ride academic scholarships with an average ACT score of about 33. We couldn't do it. I really don't think it's possible.

I'm one of those people who gets really stressed out and frustrated over things like this. I literally almost cried, and I couldn't even think straight or comprehend anything that was going on. I think if there hadn't been reasonable people in the room I would've lost it. Thanks Kevin.

And then it took all of about two minutes to figure it out on my friend's PC. Thanks again, Kevin.

So for the first time in my life, I'm forced to admit that a PC can do something better than a Mac.

By the way, if anybody knows how to label the axes on graphs on Mac Excel, let me know.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I got a betta fish.

I named him Calvin. (My friend got one named Hobbes...get it?)

So I am actually responsible for the well-being of a living thing. He mostly just chills in his bowl, but I have to feed him and stuff. It was a $27 investment.

Totally worth it.

I could literally sit here and watch him swim around for hours. It's kind of a problem, since it's way more interesting than most of my homework.

I've found out I'm really good at putting things off until the last minute. It's just that there's so many better things to do, like watching my fish and blogging and hanging out with friends, ya know?

That's really bad actually. Because now I have insane amounts of stuff to get done, and I don't even want to start. Ugh...

College is nuts because I have all these long term projects and gigantic assignments, but I have weeks to do them. Except instead of starting on them early and having time to do them like a responsible person would, I start them the night before.

I wouldn't suggest doing that.

Monday, September 21, 2009


I've been kinda lame about updating this lately. I just really haven't felt like writing anything.

Today I've decided that life is crazy. Everybody needs something to keep them grounded, keep them sane. Something enjoyable that gets them through the day.

For me, that's running. It's just therapeutic. I can't really explain it, unless you're a runner. Then you know exactly what I mean.

That's the one part of the day that I can just have for me. I don't have to think. I don't have to deal with anything. I can just go and tune out the world for a few miles.

It's amazing.

The only bad thing is that afterwards, I have to come back to the world and do homework.

Tip of the Day: Don't wear flip flops if it's rainy. They have absolutely no traction. I definitely slipped on mine and fell in a puddle this morning right in front of a ton of people. And then I had to go to class with my leg and the sleeve of my sweatshirt completely soaked and muddy. It was great.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Update #2:

The fire wasn't actually a real fire.

Somebody was playing soccer or something in the halls, and I guess it hit a fire alarm.

So now we have signs all over the building that say "No sports allowed in the hallways!"

Tip of the Day: Don't play sports in hallways.


I dominated my biology test.

Just to let you all know.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Relationships are tough, even in the best situations. College is crazy. So how do they work together?

Apparently, they don't.

It seems like you can do everything to try to make it work, but it's still impossible. Personally, I've lost faith in the idea that two people can work out there differences and be happy together.

Call me negative if you want, but I'm also a bit relieved and confused and happy and upset all at the same time, and as of yesterday, single.

Or maybe just in the idea that I can do it, cuz I honestly don't think I can. And deep down, I know it's possible, because I see people everyday who make it work.

I'm not sure how I feel about this yet.

But I'll be ok.

Tip of the Day: Don't forget to smile.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I have a biology test in approximately three hours.

I should be studying for it.

But I'm not.

I was one of those people who never actually studied for things in high school, but managed to do well enough on everything anyways, and I have a bad feeling that's not how it's gonna work in college....

I'm gonna go study.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


We had our first real fire today.


The alarms all went off, saying "A fire has been detected in the building!!" So we all head outside, thinking it's a drill, and then like three fire trucks pull up and they're all in full gear and head inside.

And come back out within 10 minutes. We have no idea what happened.

Also, I brought my macbook with and found out I don't get wireless internet 10 feet outside the building. What???

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Everything you need to know...

So last night, one of my friends who's still in high school was texting me and asking me all this random stuff about college. And I figure this stuff would be good to know, ya know?

So here it is.

College is crazy. There is always something to do. Usually, there's something fun, but if there's nothing fun, there's always homework. And by something fun, it can be anything. A bunch of us chilled in a friend's dorm room just talking and stuff until like 2 the other night and it was great.

There's no such thing as too late at night. 10 PM on a Thursday? Heck yes, let's go watch Ferris Bueller outside on the projector screen. Chem homework due by midnight? No big deal, we'll hang out afterwards.

Live in the dorms. 99% of the people I hang out with are people from my dorm. You just don't really get to know people from class.

Keep your door open. Some guys who live on the floor above me just randomly walked in my room and stayed there for three hours. We hang out like all the time now.

Homework usually isn't required, but do it anyways. It's helpful, trust me, and it's good to get in the habit for classes that do grade homework.

Same with book reading. Nobody's gonna check to see if you read it, but it's entirely likely stuff from the reading will show up on a quiz/test/in-class write. You never know. And it makes the lectures make a lot more sense. So read the books.

Take notes in class. Most teachers have their powerpoint presentations up online, but a lot of times they say things that aren't in the notes. I print out the powerpoints, and then add notes during class for most of my classes. Other classes, I just write everything because it helps me to remember it better.

Overall, college is way different than high school, but it's like good different. I love it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I officially hate Wednesdays.  Not only are they the middle of the week, but my Wednesdays are my biology days...meaning I'm in class until 5:30.  Not so much fun.

My normal M-W-F schedule is:

French at 9:30
English at 12:30
Biology at 1:30

Not so bad, right?

Wednesdays, I get Biology Lab at 2:30...which lasts until...5:30.  Ugh.

I think I've expressed my feelings about biology lab. (I don't like it)  

Today we squished termites.  Yep, termites.  We squished them.  Our lab procedure honestly said "....and this will result in a termite squish!"  (Yep, with the exclamation point, like it's some really cool, exciting thing)

I really don't like squishing things, and they crunched!  Did you know termites are crunchy?  I definitely didn't, and I definitely would've been just fine not knowing that.  

We actually had to pick out a live termite, put it on a microscope slide, drip some salt water on it, and then put another slide on top of it, and squish it!!  And it crunched!!  (Sorry, I still can't get over that)

It was awful.

Tip of the Day: Make sure you know exactly what you're getting from the dining hall before you eat it.  (This is not related to the termite story, they just get a little...uh...creative with their cooking sometimes)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Weekends are wonderful

Enough said.

But seriously, they're great.  Football games, hanging with random people on the floor above 'til 2 am, cramming into someone's dorm to watch movies on their laptop, sleeping in, eating breakfast at noon....


Oh, and on another note, I am now majoring in International Studies and minoring in Human Rights and Diversity.  Why?  I have no clue.  I'll probably change it.  I've officially changed my major 3 times already since applying here, and I've only been going here a grand total of 2 weeks.  But you know what?  I'm ok with that.

Friday, September 4, 2009

I just don't know...

There's about a thousand things I want to say, but I'm not going to, simply because this is not the place for it.

I will say that honestly, I didn't really anticipate college being all that different.  Well of course it's different, that's not what I meant, but I didn't think it would take much to get adjusted to it.  And really, it hasn't, but there's something about being put into a brand new situation like this that makes you feel...I don't know...almost vulnerable.

It's like being dropped into a (25 gallon) tank with thousands of other (non-dangerous) fish, that all live completely underwater, of course.  Everyone's swimming every which way, and you can't tell which way is up or what.

I'm not saying I don't like college, cuz I totally do.  I love it, absolutely love it.  It's just different.  People are different, life is different, and that's just gonna take some getting used to.  

It's also really hard for me not knowing what's gonna happen.  I don't plan my life out past the next weekend, and having no clue what's gonna happen in a year from now or 5 years or whenever, farther down the road honestly scares the shit out of me.  I need to find a way of dealing with that.  

Tip of the Day: #1- Sometimes, people need to be reassured that someone in fact does care about them, so tell them that.

#2- Always make sure you understand directions that are given in a foreign language.  ALWAYS.

Happy three day weekend!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A sad, sad story...

"Timothy, don't you want a brownie?"

" brother gained 45 pounds when he went to college, so I'm trying to avoid that."

Now that's depressing, folks.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This is why we love college...

So it's Tuesday night, around 11.  Most people are probably doin some last minute homework, hangin out,  maybe getting ready for bed.  

But not the wonderful people of Piper.

We were about to go to bed when these girls came running down the hallway, knocking on everybody's doors, yelling "Dance party in the basement!"


My roommate and I were literally in bed, almost asleep, when some of our friends knocked on our door and convinced us to go.  So we went to a pajama rave in the basement of our dorm.  It was kinda lame actually, there was only like 20 people there, but they did play "On a Boat" ("I got my swim trunks, and my flippy floppies!")  Epic.

That's not the awesome part.

The awesome part is as we were leaving, we met Brodie and Chris.  Brodie was hilarious, mostly because his voice is like 8 octaves deeper than the average person's, ala Eric Mooring for those of you that know him, but more animated.  Picture Yogi Bear as a tall, redheaded, 20 year old.  Chris...I'm like 90% sure he was high, his eyes were super red and he tried to get me to waltz with him in the hallway.

They then tried to explain to us that dances sucked because girls apparently only want to dance with other girls, complete with illustrations on some random person's markerboard.  (All the rooms in the dorms have markerboards on the outside of the door). 

It was probably one of those "You had to be there" moments, but it was the funniest thing ever. 

We also found out that one of them lives right above us, and that his roommate sleeps with a clock radio that keeps falling off the bed.  The mystery of the mysterious thumps every night is solved!

Quote of the Day: "Your rug looks like you killed a Dr. Seuss character.  Or a heffalump."

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So today, my roomie and I came back from lunch and...our door wouldn't open.  We have the key card things like in hotels, and neither of our keys worked.  Apparently our battery had died.  What???  They're supposed to flash red before they die, but for reasons unknown, ours didn't.  So we had to sit out in the hallways for like forever and wait for Elmer to come fix it for us. 

Elmer is awesome by the way, he's our building maintenance guy.

The really funny this is that there was a guy interviewing the girls across the hall from us for journalism class, and he was asking them if they had had any strange, unexpected things happen to them this week.  As we were trying unsuccessfully to get into our room.

Luckily, neither of us had class right away in the near future, I just didn't get my homework done.

Now I'm off to the bus stop to trek to East Campus!  Because for more reasons unknown, UNL decided to have two campuses, and the one is like 20 blocks away.  So we have to bus, which is ok, more adventures!  Hopefully this time we make it to the bus stop in time though, cuz last week we literally had to sprint after the bus until it stopped at a red light.  It was classic. 

Tip of the Day: Be on time!

Monday, August 31, 2009


Haven't updated in a couple days, it's been super busy...

I survived my first weekend of being an official college kid.  Yay!
My clothes also survived their first time in a college washer.  Yay again!

Homework takes up way too much time, and it's really weird getting used to not having every class every day, like in high school.  Meaning, I forget about things, like homework.  The other day, I checked the website for my honors seminar class at, oh I don't know, 9ish in the morning and found out I have a paper due that day at 2.  Luckily, I start class at 11 on Tuesdays, but that was a crazy two hours and a really crappy paper.

Moral of the story, time management and organization, kids.  It's important.

Tip of the Day: Invest in a planner.  Write in it, look at it, it helps, trust me.  Also, use sticky notes.  Sticky notes are my new best friend.  They're nifty for reminders, and you can put them anywhere you'll see them: your planner, computer, mirror, bulletin board, wherever.  They're great.

Friday, August 28, 2009

(Fresh) Man Vs. Machine

So I've decided the only thing I really truly hate about college is my building's computer lab.  I have my own shiny new MacBook, but no printer.  But hey, it's ok, cuz honors kids supposedly get free printing. You just put your stuff on a flashdrive and take it down there and print it off.  Easy, right? 


Objection #1 : The computers are PCs...
Objection #2 : The printing isn't entirely free.  We have to bring our own paper.
Objection #3 : The printers suck.  Like seriously.  I have not been able to print one thing off smoothly.  The ink's out, there's a paper jam, it just decides it's not gonna print, or it's gonna print my 14 page English syllabus time it even printed something that was nothing even close to my environmental science paper (and I was the only one using the lab at the time...sketchy).  It's extremely frustrating.  I'm about ready to go buy my own printer.

But....I did beat the printer today for the first time!  Not like actually hitting it, but I won.  I got my biology notes to print off, formatted correctly, on the first try.  Yes!

Observation of the Day : Husker football is too popular for its own good.  I just spent like an hour waiting to pick up my pre-ordered tickets, the line was crazy!  But hey, I get to go to all the home games, so it's totally worth it.'s Friday!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What I learned in school today...

I just got back from my biology lab where we literally spent almost three hours "learning" how to measure stuff.  I'm not even kidding, we had to learn about the metric system and scientific notation.  And then we weighed pecans and measured the length of dead animals they borrowed from the museum.  I'm pretty sure we did that in like 6th grade... well not the dead animal part, just the measuring.  I guess that's why it's Biology 101...

On a related note, I also learned it's a good idea to invest in an umbrella.  The city of Lincoln had a freaking monsoon this morning, and trekking across campus in the rain is not a whole lot of fun.

Tip of the Day: Always know where you're going.  I went on a run last night, and I started out on this bike path and I just decided to see where it went.  I ended up in the sketchiest neighborhood ever.  And instead of just turning and making a loop back to campus, there was a huge, fenced-in train yard so I had to end up going like a mile out of the way.  But I survived and I made it back.

Now I'm off to dinner and yoga class....whoo hoo!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Freshman 101

Right now, I'm sitting in my dorm room, not yet bogged down with insane amounts of homework and I have like 40 minutes until my next class.  So basically I'm bored out of my mind, which is why I'm doing this.

I'm new at this whole college thing.  I've been living in the dorms for a grand total of 5 days, and I have a day and a half of classes down.  I'm a freshman, one nameless face among thousands of others, but so is everybody else right?  Awesome.  So this is it, this is Operation College.

I think the most consistent thing I've noticed so far is that organizations that really care about you will give you free stuff.  We're paying thousands of dollars a year to go to school, so of course college kids love free stuff, especially if it's edible.  I've been promised free food by everything from church choir to residence hall council to horticulture club.  But the coolest thing I've got so far is a plastic headband with a giant foam Arby's logo (you know, "I'm thinking Arby's").  Is it useful? No.  Practical? Absolutely not.  Does it have any real purpose? No way.  But is it awesome? Oh hell yeah.

Tip of the Day: Plastic spoons do not work for scooping ice cream out of the container.  Steal soup spoons from the dining hall for that, (with every intention of eventually returning them of course) it works much better.
